
Lesson Learned

When you tell someone a story in the hopes they will give you some advice...and all they say is "Well, you're just going to have to take that as a lesson learned". Well, that's when you know things aren't looking good. That's when you know you made a mistake. And you know that even a third party can come up with a solution. You're chummed. End of story.
I feel like I have learned a lot in this lifetime. And I'm only 24. From the simple things like...don't touch a hot oven rack or don't swim with your eyes open too much.
But I have learned lessons that I wouldn't want anyone else to learn the hard way. Things like, not to invest in people that you don't trust, tell the truth no matter how terrifying the result, and don't let a good friend get away over something petty.
Everything from college classes, photographers, former "friends" and child-like actions...I keep learning. I like to think these mistakes have made me smarter or stronger, but I can't say that. I can only say that my experiences have made me cynical, doubtful, suspicious and angry.
I sure hope I'm done learning...because I am exhausted.


New Year

2011. Shit.
I'm getting married this year.
It came fast. Just like everyone said it would.
Let the madness begin. Lol

While I'm here, I thought I would share my new years' resolutions. I rarely make resolutions, let alone write them down or attempt to achieve them...but this may be the year that I start. Here goes:
  • Eat better. Duh...I think that's everyone's resolutions. Along with :
  • Exercise more. Now, hear me out, these are legit resolutions. With our wedding only 8 months away, these just HAVE to make the list.
  • Cuss less. Now this will be tricky...as evidenced by the very first line in this post. Eeek.
  • Spend more time with the family
  • And less time shopping...unless of course, I am shopping with the family.  :)
  • Live more frugally. This should be fun.
  • Be nicer.
  • Declutter.
  • Pick my battles.
Wish me luck.