

It has been 730 days.
Since I have seen your precious face.

Two whole years.
Since I have heard your sighs. And your unbelievably seasonal farts. I know that right now you would have mastered the art of the classic "pumpkin fart".
Two years since I have forced you to choke down a handful of medicine.
And 2 years since I have felt your heart-warming hugs.

I miss you all the time.
I feel a lot of guilt about how things transpired.
Granted, I could not make you better. But I wish all the time that I had given you just one more day. One more hour. One more minute.
I hope you can forgive me for that. I hope you can understand what was happening.
I hope and pray more than anything that you still love me. Even with all my faults. And I hope that you will remember me....and leave a spot for your Dad and I next to you in heaven. Because we would sure love to see your crazy run that you used to do, one more time.

I am so sorry that life is not fair.
That such a good pup would die so young. And that we did not find you sooner.
My hope is that with life being so unfair, that it will pay off in some way...
That we can all be together again, for forever.

I love you. And I sure wish you could be here when your little brother shows up. I know you would have loved him...and covered him in hugs.

Bye, Puppy.