

So, this couponing is the best.
I love saving money...
Especially if it means I get to splurge on some new boots! :)
Here's today's haul:

Paid just 31 cents out of pocket on this purchase. Please note the outfits. :) And the paper towels alone retail for almost $8!! :)

And for this, I paid $1.27 out of my pocket. One pack of the gum costs $1.28 normally...so I basically bought a pack of gum and got enough dishwasher tabs and trash bags to last me a year FOR FREE. Oh, and all the sacks, those are filled with disposable razors, I just didn't feel like pulling them all out for a pic. :)
All this retails for $135. (second pic, alone)




You ever just stop and think about your life...
Do it.
Think about it. For a minute.
I always think about life...how tricky it is.
How strange it all can turn out.
To think I was once a young girl, attached to my mother's hip. She was all I knew. I didn't know any better. I thought there was nothing better than her. She was my everything. Only to grow up and realize how being that young blinded me from the terrible things she was doing. The lies. Everything. Everything she did (for the most part) wasn't for her children. It was for her. Whatever made her life easier. Whatever she wanted.
And then I think about being that young and being so mad at my Father. For not being there. (Probably a big reason I was so attached to my Mother, afterall, atleast she was present) So it's pretty crazy that he is now my facebook friend...and I may not see him all the time, but I see him waaaay more than my Mother. That's weird. Everything completely flip-flopped, in such a short amount of time.
And when I think about how crazy my life is, I can't help but think about the fact that I got to marry Cory. All the times I remember seeing him, in junior high and in high school...and just thinking that I would never be someone that he would be interested in. I remember going over to his house late at night and just hanging out with him...and we would flirt like crazy...but I never would've dreamed that just a few years down the road, he would be my Husband. That I would get to go to sleep next to him every night of my life. And I can't explain how amazingly crazy it is that it all worked out like that. Because, if you had asked me in 2001 if I thought that I would be married to Cory Herron in 10 years, I would've said there was no way...but here I am...watching Jeopardy with him.
Funny how it all happens, huh?

-Mrs. Herron



Soooo...this month, everyone on Facebook is making their status something they are thankful for. Everyday, they update it with something new.
I've kiiiinda missed the boat on that one. Its the ninth...and I am just now really putting some thought into it.
Sad, I know.
I know I should be routinely thankful. But I am just too darn busy to stop and actually think about things.
I'm off work, and I am still too busy.
But as I sit here, and my husband is sleeping...I started to really think about all the things that make my life great.
I thought about the obvious:
  • parents and family
  • friends
  • a job...errr...career
  • a home
  • the most amazing husband on the planet
  • being able to do (most) of the things I want to do
  • Tylenol 3
  • health insurance
  • 10 fingers and 10 toes
I could go on and on. I could literally probably list a jillion things that I have that some people may only dream about. I take them for granted sometimes, I know. I don't mean to...I guess sometimes its hard to always see the silver lining.
But then I got to thinking...I am thankful for not being in the position I was in as a child. I am sooo thankful that my (future) children will not have to endure the heartaches I did at such a young age. They won't go to sleep hungry, they won't be abused, they won't stare at a WalMart ad before Christmas knowing that they won't get anything that they want.
I remember a few times, when I was a kid...someone ( I have no idea who...maybe the people my grandma went to church with?) left sacks of presents outside of our house really late at night on Christmas Eve. Each present was labeled with my name or one of my three other sisters'...although it was somehow always misspelled. (welcome to my world) The gifts weren't everything we dreamed of...most of the time they were a cheaper version of something that was pretty trendy at the time...but, boy, they were good enough for me. Just having gifts to open was so much fun. And I am truly thankful, even to this day for the people that did that for us. They never told us who they were...they never felt the need to be thanked. They were just kind enough to do a good deed...and they are miracles for that. Even just taking their time out of their holidays for 4 girls that they probably never even met...
I am thankful that even though I recently had a surgery and I am off work, I can afford to help kids this year. I can "adopt" them from local stores...or whatever. Anything to make a difference.
I hope that you, whoever you are, reading this, will do it too. Coming from someone who has personal experience with this...let me tell you, it doesn't go unnoticed.

While I am on topic of trying to be the best person I can be...let me just say... God, give me the strength to continue to be this person...help me overlook the small things and look at the big picture. Help me be the person that I want to be : giving, supportive and mature. I think I will need your help this time.

End discussion with God.
End blog entry.