

Happy 25th Birthday to my love. I am sorry it was lame...we are getting old.
Less than two months until I am old with you. 
122 days til our wedding. :)
Only a million things to do before we get there.
Its one in the morning...and I want to do something crafty... but I think I will just lay in bed with my loves.



I had this real witty idea of my next blog post.
But not because of me.
Because of Dictionary.com.
I was going to write about the meaning of family, friends, pets, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc.
But the only definitions I got were extremely broad and unhelpful.
So it looks like I am on my own.
My definition of family are the people that you love. Maybe friends are included in that. Maybe not. Mine are. I have some of the best friends a girl could ask for. We all have our issues...but what family doesn't.
Fathers are the people that took part in your creation. Dads are people that are there for you...like a Dad should be. There's a difference...I don't care what Dictionary.com says. There's a difference.
The same goes for mothers. But I wouldn't know much about either.
Sisters. They are your born friends. They are your friends long before you even know you want them to be. For me, Sisters are a big reason of why I have made it this far. And Sisters are the people that I would do ANYTHING for... even though sometimes I don't get it in return.
I suppose there are a lot of ways to interpret the word Brother. But I can't even define that one. My brother is someone that I just met. And that I have nothing in common with...by no fault of ours. We were robbed of our chances to have a brother-sister connection. We never got to fight...laugh together...cover each other's asses when shit went down. We never even had the chance. And that still makes me sad.
Friends....friends I think are supposed to be anyone who can put up with you. Anyone who is there for you when you need them. Anyone who knows you well enough to know what you would be happy or comfortable with. And sometimes, you think you have a friend...but one thing can change that. It doesn't mean you have to be enemies, by any means...but sometimes you just realize that you don't matter to them as much as you should. Every now and then you have to learn the hard way.
C'est la Vie.
Pets. I hate that word. Pet is derived form the word petty. Which is pretty terrible. But just as terrible as I suppose it is true. They are helpless. They live the life you provide for them. And if you leave them with someone who wasn't even fit to raise children, I suppose you leave them knowing the kind of care they will receive.
I hope Colin can forgive me for leaving him there. You deserved better, Old Buddy. And I can't tell you enough how sorry I am for not being smart enough back then. I hope you are with Ulysses. I hope you guys are waiting for me up there. And I hope I can tell you again how much it hurts me to know what kind of life I left you to live. I hope you are well now. And I hope God gives animals like you the best life available in heaven. See you soon, Pup.

Down and out,