
Out with the bad

I have decided to make this blog positive.
And make my life more positive.
Starting now.
In with the good. Out with the bad.

So here we go. .

I saw this on reddit. (LOVE that site)
This guy's mom saved all the things that have been in his pockets since childhood and put it into a vase for a lamp...this is such a cool, unique and loving idea. :)
I just might steal it.



There are quite a few moments in my life when I just realize how unlucky I can be.
Don't get me wrong.... I love my life, for the most part.
I can't explain enough how happy I am on a daily basis.
But when it comes to big events, it always kinda slaps me in the face.
I have my amazing in-laws.
And a great little circle here at home.
I have 3 sisters. Well, only 2 of them actually give a crap about me.
And then I have a small group of newbies on my Dad's side.
My loving Grandmother Elizabeth is no longer here.
My mother is...well...she is in a class all her own.
And I was brought up to dislike the people on my mother's side of the family...so I don't talk to cousins, aunts, uncles, etc.
So, here I am, making a list of people that I would like to attend my baby shower.
Lots of great people on that list... but its a short list.
It's moments like this that I realize how robbed I was of so much.
From my Mother and my Father.
I got the crap end of this stick.
Most people have multiple showers. Mine can all come to just one...
Thank God that I have friends that love me...no matter what.
And thank God that I married Cory.
At least I can finally feel like I have a full, truly loving family.

Now I need to go take a shower.



Still so happy everyday to have the love of an amazing man.
Got my Dad to pick up some dinosaurs for my son. 
The nursery is almost complete.
Have a new job, and I think I am going to like it.
My puppies are as cute as ever. 
And I also found out that there is an option on my phone to block people.
I like everything right now.