
Life as we know it.

So, my life for about the past month has been this:
Wake up, eat, go to work, come home, sleep. Repeat.
 This is no over-exaggeration. I have been consumed with adulthood, in the worst way. I always told my friends who were out living it up to enjoy it...hold onto it as long as they could. Take the charities that they were given as long as they were being handed out. Because this shit is for the birds.
I remember living life like there wasn't anything to worry about. I was about 17. It ended quickly. I went from 17 to 30 in about a month. I have the strangest case of progeria that this world has ever seen. I mutated at 17, I am no longer who I was back then. I am an old lady. Soon I will need help getting my groceries inside...I will be the lady in the loud shirt getting help walking across the street. This isn't an over-exaggeration either, I have grown a love for loud shirts that I find at the thrift store for a quarter. Ha.
It may sound like I am complaining...and maybe I am. I am a bit frustrated that I never get to see Cory or any of my friends and family. And I don't like that when the opportunity arises to do something fun, I would rather nap. But I can't complain. My life is going to be great. I work hard now and it will pay off later. Just suck it up, buttercup.
I think I am going to have a glass of wine. Yes, wine. Good Lord, I am a different human!
Ta ta