Where's the care in healthcare??
Why in the bloody hell do we leave our lives in the hands of people that literally couldn't give a shit less about us.
I'm not talking about nurses...obviously...being that I am one.
I'm talking about the bloodsucking corporations. The hospitals. And the government.
I've never been one of those people that felt like America was so flawed...until today.
Today I got my bill from the hospital. From the surgery I had last week.
For 24 hours.
Of care?
I get that the surgery itself would be spendy... I mean that's a lot of sterile things going on at once.
Buuuuut saying that I managed to rack up $1,600 in medications is....just....well, its outrageous.
I took 5 mg of Morphine. Two vicodin. One Colace. Two simethicone and three ibuprofen, which, mind you...those are OTC.
So riddle me this...I managed to rack up over one thousand dollars (which is how much my mortgage payment is) in just those medications??
I am not saying they need to be free. I get that things need to be paid for but commmme onnnn.
Its not like I went out drunk driving, got into a wreck and broke my neck. (which would be terrible, I'm not saying those people don't deserve care) What I am saying is...I didn't cause the need for this quote unquote care that I received.
I had pain. Went to the doc. She said I needed surgery. Got the thing removed. Had a few meds. Met a few nurses. Went home.
I figured it up.
I spent $750 before I walked into the room to have surgery.
Spent $40 to have someone fill out a few paragraphs for insurance purposes.
And after insurance I will owe almost 4K.
If I make payment of $25 (which is what hospitals usually do)...I will have this debt hanging over me for 12 and a half yeeears.
By then I can almost promise I will have something else go wrong.
God, give me strength. Because right now, I want to go apeshit.
And God, forgive me for saying your name in the same breath that I said apeshit.
And God, thank you for making me relatively healthy.
Oh, and God... I am going to need a job that pays under the table. Lol. Or I am in trouble!
Broke as a not-funny joke,
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